
I just want to start this off saying that my mother in law is such a sweet person and I love her to death but... SHE IS ABOUT TO DRIVE with advice about MY child.

First it was the vaccines. She wanted me to only get 2 at the first visit then wait a couple weeks and get the other 2. I thought about it and did my own research and decided against it. It’s my choice because it’s my child right? Well after he got home, he was so fussy and tired which is completely normal after shots but she blamed it on me doing too many at a time. He’s completely fine.

Then came bumpers on the crib. I told her they aren’t considered safe anymore and we wouldn’t be getting any. I show up to her house the other day and what do I see on her crib? BUMPERS!! Even though she knows how I feel about them. I feel like that was a very disrespectful thing to do considering she knows how I feel about them.

And now I saw a text on my husbands phone from her saying she started rice cereal at 3 months. But I’ve read that you shouldn’t do that until 4-6 months. And she continues to say I need to stop reading so much stuff online! There are new guidelines since she’s raised an infant! She just thinks her way is always the best way and I don’t know what to do about it. Should I say something or just let it go? Im just super annoyed at this point and scared she’s going to go against everything I want to do for my son.