What to think? Long.. sorry

soo, at my job, there is this guy who comes in and out everyday. He has never flirted with me, never hit on me, nothing.. he had a ring on his finger and I ofcourse respected that.. well one day he came back in and he actually stopped and talked to me for the first time. I noticed his ring was gone. I never mentioned it tho. After talked for a bit, he asked me if I had Snapchat and If we could exchange numbers.. I paused and looked at his hand and said sure. Before we swapped he said by the way I’m not married. I said you have a ring.. he said I did. But when I got home last week, I found another man inside my house with my girlfriend. I only wore this ring because I didn’t want hit on while I was with her.. I said oh okay. So we exchanged and the next day he came back in and we sat and talked. And he told me what happened with his situation. Mind you this happened about three weeks ago.. and we started texting this past Sunday. So it’s been about three weeks since they’ve been broken up. He was explaining the situation they were together For five years, this isn’t the first time he’s caught her. But he was

Done this tome for good. He was showing me some of the messages so I know he wasn’t lying. Anyways this past week he came over and we hung out for a bit. The next day he came over I made dinner and he had spent the night both times. He didn’t sleep together tho. Like sexually. So after the second day he spent the night he left in the morning for work, and I wasn’t gunna smother him so I didn’t ask if he wanted to come back over. Well before he got off he texted me and said where do you wanna get dinner? If you already have plans that’s okay. I was actually surprised that he wanted to hangout again. So i didn’t have plans. And he knew I had been needed help getting a futon moved out of my house. But I never asked him. I didn’t wanna bother him. Wel when he showed up he was cleaning out the bed of his truck. I asked what he was doing and he said were gunna move your futon to your moms today. I said ohhh! Okay. Which was another surprise. Because I mean idk at first I thought I’d be a rebound which was whatever but he seems to be doing things for me that he doesn’t have too or would be doing if I was ? Anyways he had met my

Mom that day. We went to dinner. So then, that night he said if it’s okay with you I’ll be back over tomorrow since you go back to work the next day I’ll see you for another day (I work nights). I said that’s oky. By this time we have slept together a few times. Today my sister called and needed help with her AC. I told her I’d be by tomorrow and he looked at me and said no let’s go fix it today. I’ll do it.. we ordered food to take

Home and he had fixed my plate for me and was calling me babe and baby. Idk. At this point I’m not worried about being a rebound. Because we can cuddle up and not have sex. Or we can. I told Him that I wouldn’t rush him or push him into anything. I didn’t know what his intentions were but I just enjoy being around him. He said he enjoyed being around me as wel. And he also asked me today if I was talking to any other guys. So part of me thinks he’s actually interested ? I’m just kinda worried idk because I’m a little self conscious I can’t lie about that. But his ex is stunning. She’s absolutely gorgeous and pretty thin, and without being conceded I’m pretty but I’m curvy/chubbier. So sometimes I don’t know what he really sees ? I mean her and I are opposite. And he tells me that he likes me because I’m real. I don’t wear pounds of makeup. What you see is what you get basically. And I guess with her, everything is edited. My problem is I get attached to people. Not super quick but can be easily. Idk. Idk what to think about everything. I’m kinda going with the flow. And when he’s with me he’s never on his phone. He doesn’t hide it. Normally it’s on the other side of me on my coffee table when we’re sitting on the couch Just wondering what some of y’all a opinions would be? Don’t be rude tho. You can be real but no rude comments please.