ISO: Positive Vibes!!!! Feedback appreciatedšŸ’•


Hi ladies. Love this community of women supporting each other and sharing love and light. šŸ˜ This is my first post.

I just found out last month I have PCOS and my OB put me on Clomid and Metformin. I took the Clomid on days 6-10. I took them past 10pm on those days, so Iā€™m worried that was too late for it to work. Iā€™ve never heard of days 7-11 for clomid and I was pushing day 7. Anyway, I have been feeling so bummed and negative about it because of this.

Note: my amazing husband (seriously I donā€™t deserve him) accidentally forgot to pick it up from the pharmacy on day 5 which is why we waited for day 6. He feels terrible about this so I donā€™t share my concern with him about having taken it too late lest he feel even worse about it. šŸ’”

I am currently on day 23 of my cycle. My hopes arenā€™t high but testing is still on my mind. Should I go ahead?? Will it still definitely be negative at this point in my cycle even if I am pregnant? Or will it be positive by day 23? I donā€™t know exactly when I ovulated (thatā€™s another story..).

Before I found out I had PCOS, we tried and tried. One time it was definitely when I was ovulating and then I had a random day of spotting at a weird point in my cycle. I thought for sure that was IB and I was SO sure I was pregnant- despite allllll the negative hpts. And despite the ultra-sound (to test for PCOS i think) lady telling me it really didnā€™t look like I was pregnant. She also told me it would be hard to tell at that point, so I shrugged and said ā€œI mean, I still think I am..ā€ Unfortunately I later found out she was seeing all the tiny follicles or whatever she saw that told her I have PCOS and knew it was highly unlikely that I had conceived a baby. Still, I stood strong in my conviction of our conception.

I was wrong.

Now, Iā€™m waiting through my first round of Clomid and I have close to zero hope or expectation. This makes me sad. It was like when I found out I had PCOS, I immediately accepted this wonā€™t happen for me. To protect my heart I guess. To lower my expectations so I donā€™t have to feel that heartbreak every time I see a negative.

I think Iā€™m looking for some PCOS/clomid/Metformin success stories. Iā€™m feeling so bummed. And I donā€™t even know that it didnā€™t work yet! Before, I was taking like three tests a day because I KNEW one would soon be positive. Now, I donā€™t even want to take one.

Iā€™m only 30, but my husband is 40 and because of that I feel pressure to conceive right away. NOT FROM HIM!! I just want him to have the energy to be able to enjoy this next chapter in our lives. We were married in September and I truly thought I would be nearing the end of my pregnancy by now. I donā€™t want to have to try for years before this works for us.šŸ˜”

Send me some good vibes and success stories, please!! ā¤ļøā¤ļø