I Hate My MIL


She came over to my home while my husband and I were having an argument and said I was a lazy bitch and that I am a bad mother. Which I know and anyone who knows me is not true at all. Then she proceeded to tell me I was crazy and pathetic. All of this in front of my four kids.

My husband had left the room to get ready for work because he got called in. When I told my husband what she said about me she flat out LIED to him and said it wasn’t true.

She is always so mean to my kids and they are great kids. She cusses at them and has even called one of my children a “fat fuck”. She called my 13 year old child that. They are NEVER disrespectful. The worse thing they have ever done around her is drink more than one of her precious cokes. She even tells them this is her house not theirs. She didn’t pay for this house. She doesn’t own a speck of dirt it sits on. She only lives the next road over and is way to close for comfort. She is delusional in every way.

She will even cuss out people in the grocery store for standing in her way. Insane!!!

I told my husband she is no longer welcome here and I will never go to her house, neither will my children. He can have a relationship with her if he wants to but not us. I am beside myself right now!