What to talk to my doctor about at my THIRD full anatomy growth scan.

Will be 37 Weeks.

Discuss with doctor:




•Delayed cord clamping

•Female nurse only

Already have a plan laid out for delivery.

Just my doctor and one nurse.

That was the plan me and my doctor discussed (So I don’t need to ask her) Also she suggested it! Because she knows what happened to me. She witnessed me have a panic attack as I shared with her what happened. She’s fully aware and has worked with many other assault victims/ survivors. So I don’t really need anyone telling me that’s impossible or that I won’t get that.

I also don’t want to hear about how you had so many number of people in your room.

I’m a sexual assault survivor suffering from mild PTSD.

So those comments do not help me or make me comfortable. They give me anxiety.

Also I don’t really want to hear stories about how you’ve survived sexual assault and how your husbands/ boyfriends made labor and delivery easier for you.

My ex is my attacker and my baby’s “father”.

While I’m happy you had that, it’s not something I’ll have. So it doesn’t really help me much to read about it. Kinda just upsets me because it’s something I won’t have.

Getting to the point:

My only question is

Is there anything else I should ask my doctor about? Or discuss with her?