Idk if I have a right to be a little frustrated with my husband

I’m in the third trimester. My husband has been completely wonderful. Making sure that he works really hard right now and in the future to provide for us. Making sure I’m stressfree, making sure I don’t do any house work, making sure I get what I want to eat, without ever complaining once.

But I’m just wondering why he never asks to feel her move. If I say she is moving he will come over and put his hand on my stomach but he never asks if she’s moving, can I feel her etc. he says it’s different with me bc I’m pregnant so I feel her differently and it’s not that he doesn’t care about her, he doesn’t know why he doesn’t ask.

But to me idk why you wouldn’t want to feel your baby moving, it kinda makes it seem like you don’t care she’s in here right now. Like you will never be able to feel her growing like this again.

Idk am I being crazy? Idk why it really is bothering me.

Advice or input please