Being smothered while pregnant

Anyone else just want to be left alone? Just to stop the “How are you feeling?” “Be careful!” “Oh I’ll do that for you” (when I am fully capable and will just have to redo whatever is done) or unannounced drop bys to try to help with things (husband and I just bought our first house). I’m only 17 weeks pregnant and everyone is just smothering me like I’m fragile or the freaking queen of England. I think this mostly gets pointed at my MIL who has had three heart attacks and shouldn’t be helping with ANYTHING yet insists on dropping by to garden our yard without knowing if anyone is here at all.

I just hate all of the extra and unnecessary attention and company. I am still the same person I was just a few months ago. I do NOT want you randomly dropping by my house without warning and especially when my husband isn’t home to entertain you. I’m tired and irritable and I don’t want everyone bothering me all the time when just a few months ago, before finding out, they did no such thing.

I should add before people think I’m inconsiderate, that I appreciate the help and concern it’s just beginning to be too much all at once and for every direction. Also my MIL wasn’t on speaking terms with my DH and I for months since she is an alcoholic and only recently sober since finding out about the baby.