Weird Boys talking to me


On Saturday, me and my family went to my friend’s campsite to spend the day there. After a while, my friend’s mom asked us to go to the water thingie where you get water so me and my friend went. Halfway through cleaning a pan at the water thingie, a pack of clearly older than me and my friend boys on bikes cane to talk to us. One guy came close up to us and said “Do you guys like guys with bikes?” And I answer (since I’m freaking out and want them to leave) “No” and then the guys ask : “ Well, do you like guys without bikes?” And again I answer “No” then they stand there for a few seconds and when there was water in the pan, the guy who asked the questions kind of reached for the pan and said give me that. We didn’t. After a few seconds, they left. Me and my friend were sooo freaked out. We thought we would be raped or harassed or something. Later, me and my friend though that maybe the guy was reaching for the pan so we wouldn’t smack him with it, but I don’t know.