28 day period...

Sally • 4 angels

Don't you just wish you had a 28 day period? I know that this is my last cycle unaided and you know I'm scared even aided I won't see that 28 to 30 day!!!! the waiting is killing me. 13 days till I'm given treatment. it may even be straight to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. I am all over the shop. currently CD 9 which means nothing to me. in general a 45 day cycle. please I realise and I am grateful that I can have outside help , but this is real emotion that has actually stopped me from eating. I'm so very scared that I just can't do it. my body will just go nope. I'm 38. any body feelin the whole overwhelming thing that is pcos / endo etc? I feel stupid and alone. DH doesn't like discussing it but will do everything needed of him including taking meds and having sperm and blood drawn from him like a lab monkey, bless him. At CD 9 I feel so far away. I was so excited now I feel nervous it's only going to highlight more of my failures. this is just nerves right? I'm scared not eating will affect fertility even more!!