Is she right????

On Mother’s Day I found out I was pregnant, around seven tests were positives. We were beyond happy with our families. Two days later I tested again to confirm myself and they were negative, same day my period came. Next days I got a blood test and the result were negative of course. So I said I got a chemical pregnancy ending of course in a miscarriage. It was devastating. I never in my life thought I was gonna be 1 in 4.

Ok so, when the nurse called me for giving me the results of the blood test, they were negative and I knew it. But what she said was “You never was pregnant”. My question is: is she right? Is that possible? After several tests all positives even digital she said I never was pregnant???

Can that be possible? I told her: do you meant that seven positive pregnancy tests were fake/false???? She said: well, the blood test said that. I was in shock. Still I don’t get over that. My instincts tell me I was pregnant. But can she be right and can that happen? Several false positives? Any similar situation? Thanks in advance.

Note: if God give me the opportunity again to being pregnant I won’t tell the people until I’m at least 14 weeks!!!! Xoxo