Stressed Muslim

Salamu alaykum

Just wanted to talk to some other Muslim women

I am 24 and have two kids that are 1 and 3.

I love them but am always stressed.

Alhamdulillah my husband is very good to us but not always the best Muslim...

Idk how to explain my emotions but I am just overly stressed out.

Alhamdulillah I know Allah helps who is patient and who calls on him

I am torn between having another baby and/or finishing my bachelors degree.

Idk if I am capable of doing both at the same time because I am such a stressor and always have been.

Not only that, my everyday routine is always the same because my children are so young.

I’m just venting about different things.

Inshallah Allah will guide my husband and children and all of us.

Thanks for reading.