What do you do about your mother in law not having a relationship with you spouse but wants to have a relationship with her grandson?


I have been with my husband 12 going on 13 years we have been married for 5 years. My husband has never had a close relationship with his mom, and from the sounds of his childhood he just wasn’t close with her. She was a working mom and then they got divorced when he was a senior in high school, quickly after that she moved and got a bf then moved even farther away for a job and abandoned my husband first year out of high school he had no where to go so he moved in with my parents. He is very very close with my parents they do things together all the time call each other all the time etc. well over the past decade I’ve tried to have a relationship with his mom and she gives zero effort on her end so I gave up. She won’t call for months we just quit trying to connect with her. She lives about 5 miles away. Now I have a baby he’s just turning one and she demands to see him all the time. It’s so strange she won’t ask us how we are doing or what we are up to but thinks she can have our son all the time? I don’t know what to do she needs to have a relationship with us before. I also don’t fully trust her alone other reasons she’s given me. But everyone is so lucky when they have good inlaws I feel so bad for my husband he’s got so much love to give and a crappy mama ! She’s so hard to talk to because she gets super defensive and she’s very arrogant it’s a great convo 😂😪sigh stuck and not sure what to do!