My saga... (mc triggers)


Hello everyone,

My name is Beth and I wanted to i troduce myself because I think I have been through almost everything there is when it comes to fertility, loss, uterine issues, etc. I am 36. I have previously battled endometriosis, asherman’s syndrome, a septate uterus and prediabetes/gestational diabetes on the fertility road. Over the course of these past 6 years I have had 5 miscarriages, 2 chemical pregnancies, 1 late loss in the second trimester (had to deliver) and finally carried a pregnancy with the assistance of a cervical cerclage, bedrest and an emergency c-section. I have had 4 d&c;’s post miscarriage and 3 surgeries to remove my uterine septum and consequent asherman’s syndrome. I have been through uterine lining therapy for 8 months surgically and hormonally. I have also nursed friends through ectopics, molar pregnancies, genetic abnormalities, and PCOS. I tried frozen embryo transfer <a href="">IVF</a> after 2 egg retrievals and failed. My daughter is a result of a natural conception and is, in my book, a miracle. I tell you this NOT to get pity or attention but to let you know I can answer MANY questions about the TTC, fertility and infertility process. Before my daughter, at the end of all my treatments, surgeries and therapies I was told I would need a surrogate. I didn’t. I am living proof to all of you in your 30s who think you have no hope that even when the odds are JACKED UP against you, there is STILL hope. I can answer your questions and be a resource. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Anyone interested in hearing my story from start to end take a listen to the following episode of the Infertility podcast for which I was featured:

Good luck to all of you. My husband and I are “trying” again and so I am reminded of all the fear and trepidation that goes with all this. We got this 💪🏻