Confused 😐


Hi ladies

I have been diagnosed with PCOS for about 3 years now and had irregular period for about a year until I started exercising.. it’s been about a year now that I’ve had a regular period and this past month my SO and I have decided to TTC and to my surprise i didn’t get my period!!! Today is day seven for me and this morning to my disappointment I got a negative:( I know I’m pregnant i feel tiny cramps, little pinches, and soar nipples off and on but nothing like a real period.. usually when I’m about to get my period I feel really crappy a week before and this time Nothinggg... it really upsets me that I don’t see the proof on the test.. I was looking online endlessly to find that woman with PCOS have a higher chance of a false negative and it’s best to get blood done.. I’m just wondering if any of you ladies have been through this and what advice you can give me??