Low FSH for men?

Cat • Little love born 11.26.19 after 2 years of TTC. First fresh round of IVF with ICSI successful ♥️

My husband just got blood results back after going to his general doc last week (sn: doctor was AWFUL, didn’t listen at all, suggested adoption... wtf... so just did blood results and didn’t put in for a semen analysis... my husband found a new doctor who he saw this morning and LOVED and will do a semen analysis next week after our ovulation window is over this week). The old doctor’s office, not the doc, called to say all of his results look fairly good expect his cholesterol is sort of high. And his FSH is low, but his testosterone level is fine. The lady didn’t seem like it was a big deal but I don’t trust this office because they suck. And didn’t give any information as to what that means.

What does low FSH mean if his testosterone levels are fine????