I’m worried 😩😭


So I’ve been to the hospital twice the first time they were pretty shitty. The fucked up my arm with an IV, then they didn’t let me know about my HCG levels or let me see the ultrasound or keep the ultrasound picture of my baby they said that I had a healthy baby measuring at 5 weeks and 1 day and everything was fine. Well yesterday I went back I’ve been having some spotting each time I pee and wipe. I work at a long term facility with old people and all I do is heavy lifting so that’s what has set my problems off I try my hardest to take it easy but as long as I don’t have a note I have to keep working. Well my blood pressure was 150/108 my heart rate was 135 and I had a temperature of 100 F. I went they didn’t do an ultrasound because I had already had one they said my HCG levels went up from 15,000 to 35,000 but I’m still having some discharge. And this is how it look every now and then I get some bright pink blood I’m scared this is my first baby. My diagnoses was a threatened abortion.. I just need some reassurance I don’t go until Wednesday to my AOG doctor for an ultrasound and to listen to the heartbeat I’m currently 6 weeks..