Prilosec/Omeprozole in 3rd Trimester


Hello everyone, just a quick question. I suffer from GERD and acid reflux when not pregnant and always took Prilosec/Omeprozole to treat it. When i became pregnant my doctor took me off of it and prescribed Zantac 2 times a day. Well I am 33 weeks now and the Zantac is barely touching it. I wake up in the middle of the night choking and sometimes throwing up. I was recently seen in the ER for something unrelated and brought my GERD up to the doctor there. That doctor got in touch with my doctor and ultimately prescribed me the Prilosec. He said since I’m in the third trimester now its not an issue. Im just leery about taking it because I was taken off of it in the beginning and was told its not safe. Is anyone else taking it? Has anyone taken it and had any issues?
