What's your motivation?


I'm so tired of being overweight. I was comfortable at 165-170 lbs, which was still considered over weight but it worked for my body type. I quit smoking about 6 months ago and since then I've broken 200 lbs (206 now) and it's not going back down. I know stress-eating had a lot to do with it and I've cut out fast food almost entirely.

I know I need to start exercising. I want to take up jogging/running with my dog but here's my problem: I can't for the life of me get up off my couch and do it. I don't know if it's because I'm lazy, or afraid of failing, or if depression or anxiety is keeping me from doing it...I don't know. But I figured if some of yall could share what gets you up every day to go out there and exercise then maybe it'll help.