Frustrated with husband


Ughh I’m 36+1w and haven’t had an easy pregnancy (high risk? plus I still work full time and take care of our 2.5 year old when I’m not at work. The last 6 days my husband has been away at night, working late 3 nights, at the gym 1 night and out for drinks 2 nights. It is his bday tmrw so I’m trying to cut him some slack but I’m just so frustrated and jealous. I feel like he can and will do whatever he wants like gym and drinks but my priorities are the family. It’s rough to be taking care of the toddler when I’m 9 months preggo and not feeling well but I’m also so jealous wishing I could go hang out and grab drinks with my friends. I don’t expect him to stop living his life because I can’t do the same things but I feel like he rather go out with friends than spend time with us and I don’t think he is being considerate and helpful to me. Ughh am I being irrational? Anyone else feeling the same?