Zofran bad now??

Mary • 27, from Utah, I have one 2 yr old son and a baby on the way!
I'm almost afraid to bring this one up because I really don't wanna get myself all freaked out, I guess I'm hoping to hear more positive than negative.. but bottom line is I just wanna hear ppl's truth... sooo, I don't have tv so I don't get to hear all this new bad info on Zofran for myself, I just said something on facebook to someone about how much it helps morning sickness and all these ppl started going off on how it causes birth defects! I took it with my first baby and every woman in my family took it with all their kids and all are healthy... so I'm not totally convinced, but of coarse it still worried me a bit to hear that! I'll be askin my doc about it this week, but just curious what you girls feel about the issue? And plllzzzzzz I'm not tryin to start any fights, just your own personal opinions.. plz don't completely demolish anyone for having a different one.. i wanna hear all the different thoughts! I dont think there is really any wrong answer... just opinions! Thanx