38 weeks! πŸ’—πŸ’•

Briana β€’ Has one 5 year old girl! Second girl born 5/29/18! πŸ’•πŸ˜

Soon will be a mommy of two little girls! Induction set for Tuesday for Medical reasons and I’ll be 39 weeks exactly so I’m glad I get to keep her in that long... kinda sad my June baby will turn into a May baby though... and I’m even more sad I will be losing this obvious pregnancy bumb... won’t be able to look decent in a dress any longer... 😒 I’m a little sad that this pregnancy is coming to an end.

All well! the bundle of joy that I will get to hold afterwards will all be worth it... the back pain, swelling in legs, Restless Legs, peeing every 30 minutes and multiple times in the night, vomiting, nausea, food aversions, heightened sense of smell(not always good) , change of taste, lighting crotch, sharp pains, cramps, discharge, blood drawn, peeing in a cup on demand, glucose tests, drinking tons of water before Ultrasounds, internal Ultrasounds, cervix checks, swollen Vagina, tender boobs, people other than my husband looking down there, did I say back pain already?? πŸ˜‚ All of it I know will be worth it...

Can’t wait to meet you Kamila! πŸ˜πŸ’—