Mirena IUD Insertion

Gabriela • Gabriela 🌻

Today (05/26/2018) I got my first IUD inserted, HOLD COW.... rude awakening! Some background : 21 yrs old, do not have kids, been on the pill prior and have had a Pap smear.

This is my personal experience: My healthcare provider talked me through every step, she was female and very friendly. I️ got the procedure done at planned parenthood and I️t was not a walk in, I️ planned for this prior by two weeks. I️ took an 800 mg ibuprofen and had breakfast 1 hour before the procedure. Long story short, I️t was very very painful for me personally. Procedure consists of getting undressed from the waist down, feet in stirrups, clamps inserted in vaginal opening to open up the view more for the healthcare provider to get a better view of the cervix, iodine solution applied with swab (ticklish), measuring your cervix for correct placement (Menstrual like cramps felt at this point), then insertion of the Mirena IUD (most painful part) . I actually was very hysterical in between crying and laughing at that point. I have NEVER felt this kind of pain in my life. Did not feel like “pressure” I️t was SEVERE CRAMPS, but unatural because I️t was of course the long tools being put inside my cervix opening. After the procedure I did feel shaky and cold, and I got tilted backward for five minutes to ensure I did not become faint. I️ left around 15 minutes after the procedure was completed. Cramped for about 30 minutes and I️t went away and is still on and off. Overall I feel okay, accomplished that I was able to go through that with success in the end. I exercised and did 25 minutes of cardio and feeling much better as the night progresses 🎉 Thank you for reading, remember, this is my experience, everyone is subjected to feel different or have a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT experience . Monthly updates to come 😀