not felt much from baby 3 days.. UPDATE


I am 26w today and for the last 6 or so weeks I've felt baby every day nice and strong, quite often. Thursday my fiance and I moved (we can finally decorate a room for a nursery lol) and I felt baby down low that day. Friday when I came to work it felt like sharp shooting pain down the left side of my lady bits, kind of like it was shooting through the left lip? Other than that I haven't felt much, if anything, from baby Friday or Saturday and today as well. Baby used to hit me relatively 'hard' and quite often, very active. Friday through to even today, movement seems very decreased and even muted, to the point I am questioning if it's the baby or gas. I'm worried if baby is okay but Dr is closed until Tuesday (weekend and tomorrow is a holiday) and I'm not sure if I should go to the hospital or not?? I feel kind of silly but at the same time this isn't just about me..I have a baby inside me to worry about!

Also, I was told by the u/s tech at my anatomy scan 8 weeks ago that I have an anterior placenta, but I have had no problem feeling my baby hit me before. I usually get the crap kicked out of me at least 3x at work and jump from how hard it is at least once and lying down at home always getting beat up lol...but not since we've moved and I'm worried..I have felt little bubbles but they seem so infrequent compared to what I normally feel and so muted!!!


Currently hooked up to the monitor, there is a heartbeat it is strong 140s-150s so that has put me at ease. I can hear the sucker hitting the monitor but I'm not feeling it! Either I should be mad at my placenta or the baby is facing backwards lol..guess we will find out. I was told they will do an ultrasound so we will see. Feel so much better than I did an hour ago though!!!

UPDATE2: They did a quick ultrasound to check the fluid (12 which is right in the middle yay!) and check on baby everything looks good! So relieved☺