Our Rainbow Baby 🌈👶


We lost our first birthday early March in our late 1st trimester. We’ve been so devastated as we’d been trying for 16months. This month I checked to see if I ovulated never the predicted week. Nothing. Not even close. I tested everyday since and nothing so I gave up about a week before my period. I assumed I just didn’t ovulate this month. So I’ve felt off for day. In and off sick. Never amounted to anything. Tired. Today I thought right my period is due in 3-4 days. I’ll do one last ovulation test. Mother of all lines did that test come up in seconds. It was too dark to believe. I thought hey I’ll try a pregnancy test now. I’ve heard woman say that close to there period they did a ovulation test and it turned out they was pregnant. So I did one so casually thinking nothing would show. It’s early. I was so very wrong. There it was. Those two lines. I’m pregnant. My last period was 2nd it may. So I’m only 3w4days roughly. I don’t know when I ovulated. My last pregnancy which ended is miscarriage. I didn’t get a date positive till my missed period. So I’m so badly hoping for our sticky bean. We are thrilled. But we are so very terrified.

Let this be our rainbow baby 🌈👶

First test is a ovulation test. Second is a pregnancy test. Both with a afternoon urine.