so confused

so I've been talking to this guy for 2 months now and everything has been great and we text everyday and I see him on his days off. and we always have such a fun time when we are together! but lately I feel like things are changing. We call another babe and he's my boyfriend but lately it takes him hours so respond back and when we plan to hang out one day he will text me a Little bit but it will get late and then he will text me to hang out. and he already told me he loved me but he wanted me to say it first. and I asked him all the time if I'm just another girl to him and if I mean anything to him and he says I'm not just another girl and then he really cares about me but I feel like he doesn't show it lately. and our conversations always stay at the surface. We never go deep into conversation. I feel like I still barely know him. I just don't know what to think about this anymore. am I being used? and there is an age difference. I'm 20 and he's 30