So many symptoms!!!


So, this month I did my first cycle of clomid 50 mg CD 5-9. I went in for my cd21 blood test to check progesterone levels and nurse called this week to tell me that the doctor does not think that I ovulated based on the test. Today is cd31. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. The doctor is going to start me on 100mg of clomid this next cycle assuming I still have not had a period and get a negative test or start my period. No period means another round of provera too, yay! 🙄 It's so weird though because I could have sworn that I did ovulate because I've had so many symptoms! My boobs have been so sore and for a while they were really swollen. I've been feeling nauseous at times and super moody! I guess they could just be side effects from the clomid though. I just want this stuff to work already!