Wrong tube removed during ectopic surgery


Hey everybody.. so I have a unique and pretty upsetting story. Back in March of 2017 I was rushed to the ER with severe stomach pain. It turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy which I had not anticipated and was in complete shock. They took me to surgery right away saying that they needed to remove the damaged tube. Well, after she removed my left Fallopian tube, the surgeon noticed something inside my right tube as well. So she took a biopsy of it and called me several days later to tell me “they took out the wrong tube and the fetus was actually still in there!” WTF!? So she said removed my left tube because it was so damaged that she just assumed that’s where the fetus was and it had become “useless” but nonetheless I still had a a fetus growing in my right tube (by the way I’m 26 years old) in efforts to save my only tube they put me through two rounds of a chemo drug to eradicate the fetus which ultimately ended up leaving my tube damaged with scar tissue. 3 months after this whole ordeal I got pregnant again but almost immediately miscarried. It’s been over a year now since this emotional roller coaster and I am terrified that with everything that’s happened I won’t be able to conceive naturally. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this happening or have any advice on... anything? We’ve continued to try and get pregnant but it’s just not happening and I’m so afraid that there has just been too much damaged done. Any advice or would be greatly appreciated!



P.S. sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread I’m new to Glow and still trying to find my way around