moments of regret.

We have one DD, she’s recently turned two years old. From the moment she was born she has been very demanding, needing constant attention. To cope, we bed shared, nursed on demand (just recently weaned, it was my fault. The pain was getting to be unbearable and I just couldn’t do it.), and we babywore a lot. Her pediatrician said she was a classic ‘high needs’ baby and now a ‘spirited’ toddler. She is still very demanding. We still bedshare, even for naps. I have to stay with her or she can’t and won’t sleep. CIO isn’t an option. We’ve tried and it doesn’t work and she throws up within 2 minutes. I can’t do it. I’m currently 26 weeks pregnant and have been having moments of regretting this very planned, very wanted pregnancy. I just don’t know how I’ll do it. Or how my daughter will cope. She needs so much. DH is 100% always present when he’s home from work, but it’s still very challenging. How will we be able to respond to this new LO’s needs quickly along with DD? What if this new LO is just as demanding? What if DD doesn’t like her new sibling because of the shared attention? I just keep wondering now if we were selfish for wanting a second child. When it doesn’t seem like this will mesh well with our DD. ):