After 9 months and a miscarriage... We’re finally Expecting!!!!!!

Stephanie • Baby 🌈 #1 OTW EDD 11/2019 👶🏼👫🐶🐶

It has been a hard 9 months TTC me and my hubby had gone through a loss July last year. It was heartbreaking and it affected me physically, emotionally and mentally!! We’ve been TTC for 9months and every cycle is just a heartbreak trying to see all those BFN!! I’ve gone through a lot of ovulation strips, <a href="">fertility tracker</a>/calendar. We’ve done different ways just to make sure it holds on!! Sometimes we’d think something might be wrong and we were even told that if one more cycle and it’s still negative my OB told me to try <a href="">fertility treatment</a>!!! My hubby has been so positive and told me to pray and our time will come... he is right!! All those crying every cycle and thinking what we might have done wrong...... finally!!! I got a BFP!!!! I’m in tears 😭 😭😭😭😭 celebrating with my 2 furbabies and cannot wait for my hubby to get home to surprise him!!! We’re going on vacation tomorrow And plus it’s HIS BIRTHDAY!!!! This will be the best gift ever ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I know that it’s hard for some of us ladies and it may seem like it’s a long road but never give up and keep praying!!! Your time will come ❤️❤️

❤️❤️ Hold on our little bean... we can’t wait to see you in 9months!!! ❤️🌈👶🏼👫🐶🐶