So thankful!


I'm so thankful for my baby girl. She hit 8 weeks old on Monday and well yesterday (Tuesday) was my first day back to work and its almost as if she knew I had to work. Monday night I put her to bed and she slept 7 hours straight. This was record time for us and it was lovely. But then today she hit a new record... I put her to bed at 9 (after her bath and a good feeding). I was expecting her to wake up to eat around the usual 4 am or so.. but instead 5:30 rolled around and my work alarm woke me instead! (of course I woke up about 4 times throughout the night just checking on her anyway lol). I got up, showered, dressed, ready to go and still asleep. I finally decided to wake her at 6 so I could feed her before I go (EBF). So my 8 week old slept from 9pm-6am!! a straight 9 HOURS!! and really it would have been more had I not had to wake her. I love her so much. 😍💞

PS. as a FTM of course I worried a little too, so I took her temp and no fever or anything. i guess she was just comfy and tired and slept!