Partial Placenta Abruption


Backstory: I had a partial placenta abruption on 5/13 (2cm), no contractions, cervix closed, baby and I were monitored for 24hrs then sent home. My midwife/OB said light duty but no other concerns unless I start bleeding again.

I met with my midwife today (first appt since) We talked about laboring and possible induction at 39 weeks. I’m confused as to why they would want to induce...considering how stressful induction can be on body/baby. So, that will be a no-go unless there is a medical reason.

She scheduled me for an ultrasound this week and I’m to continue my ‘light duty’ regimen.

If I do go into labor naturally, she did express some concern about our distance from the nearest hospital (aprox an hour), has anybody ever labored at an Air B&B; or hotel? Or any other ideas for options closer to our hospital?

Anybody else been through this? Oh, I’m 33 weeks this week.