I’m feeling like I failed...


So I got put on bed rest today because I have pre-eclampsia. I feel really down and like I’ve let my baby down because I know I haven’t ate the best through this whole pregnancy and I get stressed really easily. They caught it early and I had a steroid shot today and I’ll get another one tomorrow just in case.

I need him to stay in for at least another five weeks. I’ll be 32 weeks on Friday.

And this whole using FMLA and disability thing sucks. And the guy I talked to at my benefits department was a butthole. All I wanna do is sit here and cry and let my emotions out. Idk what I’m going to do with myself for at least five weeks. Idk where the money is going to come from to pay bills until disability kicks in...I know I don’t need to worry about it because it’ll stress me out and make my blood pressure higher, but we can’t just live off of my husband’s check.

I just want to focus on getting my son here and us both be healthy...but this is kinda putting having another kid completely out of my mind totally.

I know God has this and he’s in control, but I could really use some extra prayers.