Back to Work Quickly??

L. • 32 yo, baby #3 due March 2022, 👱‍♂️🤰👧👶🐶🐶

Anyone else planning on returning to a full work schedule at around 6 weeks? I’m a doctoral student and will be returning to work at a new grad assistant position when fall semester starts Aug. 16 (I’m due July 5). MIL will be caring for baby starting then for 1 month before we start full time daycare in mid September. It’s super important to me and my program/career progress to be back full time quickly. I am not worried about baby because I know I’ll be the best mom I can be while doing this (please no judgement) but I’m super nervous about trying to learn to breastfeed and more specifically how to pump enough for her to be mostly using a bottle that quickly.