Terrible 2s at 18 Months?


Anyone else feel like they’re suddenly fighting a two year old constantly? My formerly joyful child is now a ball of fury ALL. THE. TIME.

Every night when my husband comes home I hide for a good ten minutes before he comes and finds me and tells me he can’t anymore. This child throws an all out, limp on the floor red-faced crying tantrum at least 5 times a day. When we turn the tv off, if anyone goes outside the baby gates, if anyone eats or drinks anything, if the door is closed, if the door won’t close, if the cats walk away from him, if a ball rolls under the couch, I mean oh my god, mama is on the verge of a meltdown 😩 I’m praying it will improve as his communication improves but I am so over it.

A rare happy shot 😩

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