My nephew is becoming a huge issue

My nephew lives with me, my mom, my stepdad, and my two almost three year old son. Now I would just move out but where I live I’m not a “legal adult” until I turn 19, and well that won’t be until this October.

My nephew is rude, thinks of nobody else’s feelings, and knows better than to do half the stuff he does but my mother and stepdad overlook it. It’s to the point where he walks all over them and I guess the reason he acts like a little 💩 head to me is because I refuse to let him walk all over me.

My mom blames how he acts on “oh well he might be add” (I say might because he wasn’t diagnosed with it)

Or comes up with fifteen million other excuses and it’s not okay.

It’s to the point where I have to keep my son and myself locked in our room all day to avoid him trying to be a jerk, which hey it’s one thing to do me that way, but he does it to my two year old as well.

He’s 8, obviously he’s still a kid but he knows better. He repeatedly all day long will shoot you with a nerf gun, I won’t say anything about it for awhile but when I do I’m the one that gets in trouble for it. I can’t even get out of my room to clean the house without him standing behind me shooting me with it over and over.

He makes rude comments about people’s weight, and has a straight up hateful attitude. He has my mother and step dad do EVERYTHING FOR HIM. They even wiped his ass for him up until a few months ago, HE IS EIGHT.

He will be sitting on the couch telling them to bring him this or that and they will jump to their feet for him. When I try to get them to realize what he’s doing I get yelled at, when he’s literally playing them in front of their faces.

He attacks our dogs all day, and now one of our dogs has become aggressive because of him repeatedly messing with it so now that dog will try to bite my son, and my son gets blamed for it because he “messed with it” when in reality it was my nephew!

The reason he even lives with us is my sister (his mom) had bad drug problems there for awhile. So she couldn’t take care of him the way he needed, plus my mother claims that he wanted to live here. (He was like two how did he know what he want??) I personally think it’s because my mom saw it as another chance to raise a child and she doesn’t want to let that go.

My sister was letting him come spend the weekend with her, but even she agrees that his attitude and the way he acts is so bad that she can’t deal with it.

It’s to the point that it’s starting to rub off on my son because he thinks if cousin J does it then it’s okay.

I keep telling myself I only have until October and then I’m able to leave with my son but it’s really starting to get to me bad, he’s progressively getting worse and when I talk to my mom about it she flips it around on me and my problems.🙄 I swear when I leave I really don’t think I’ll be coming around much, I just can’t. I can’t stand seeing him push people around.

Sorry I needed to vent so bad.

And you might think I’m whining and maybe I am but I needed to get this off of my chest, and honestly this post barely even touches on how horrible he actually acts at home, trust me it’s so much more worse, but I’d be here explaining that all day if I included everything he does.