Is my chart looking promising that we have conceived this month


I'm 7dpo is my chart looking all good and promising my egg has been fertilized. had cramping yesterday but no drop in temps.

I'm not wanting to get my hopes up to much but everything has been different this month.

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Your chart looks great. But no chart can "promise your eggs been fertilised" nothing other than a pregnancy test in another week or so can tell you that.Your chart does confirm ovulation and your temp rises are a good indication that progesterone is doing its job 😊 Apart from that, the chart cant tell you you're pregnant until after your period is due, based on whether your temp falls or stays elevated. But that's not for another week or so.Good luck!


Er • May 31, 2018
You don’t really want them to keep rising because that means you have a fever then... you want them to stay elevated above the coverline, but fluctuations up and down are normal


Jade • May 31, 2018
Ok thank you Hollie. Just got to keep doing my temps to see if they carry on rising x


Posted at
Cantreally tell much of anything at 7dpo tbh because implantation can occur anywhere between 6-12dpo. If your egg has been fertilized there is nothing that can be read on your chart that would indicate this.... yet.Relax a little.. ovulation is confirmed, you're just waiting it out to test now :)Good luck!