HOLY FUCKING SHIT ! Don’t loose hope! BFP crazy!!!!




UPDATE #5**********

UPDATE #4*********

Had our first ultrasound baby (ONLY ONE)looked great ! Thank you all for the sweet comments!! Our little bean is due February 13th❤️❤️

UPDATE#3 ********

The nausea has set in 🤮 BIG TIME


YOU GUYS. ..... holy shit!

so they called me back about the second set of lab results .. they said my HCG quadrupled!!!!

Then they said “ you usually see that with twins! Do you have fraternal twins in your family??”


It was 152 on Friday 855 on Monday ! .

I would be sooo happy and thankful for one baby let alone twins 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️

My next ultrasound is on June 25th I’ll let you all know what the result is ❤️❤️ thanks you everyone for your positive vibes and comments ❤️ baby dust to all you ladies !!

UPDATE #1 **********

My DR. finally called!! Blood test confirmed pregnancy a little earlier than they expected, based on my lmp. They are starting me on progesterone to make sure the bean has everything it needs to continue to grow ❤️❤️ I’m at the lab now doing repeat blood work to make sure levels have increased. I’ll have these results tomorrow and they will decide what to do from there !! I’m so excited am still so nervous . Praying these results come back how they are supposed to ❤️❤️🤞🏼🤞🏼 love and baby dust ! I’ll update y’all ASAP!

Y’all!!! My story is long but can probably help some of you❤️

Here goes...

Got a positive ovulation on 4/21 confirmed with digital .

10 dpo I got a vvvvvfl but it was a pos! I was sure of it! (Second picture strip test on white counter)

Went to the store bought first response took one that night and one the next day both negative 😭

Fast forward I had already made an appointment with my OBGYN when I got the first one because I was sooo excited . After the negatives I decided to keep it just in Case!

So I’m now 20 days late no period weird symptoms sore nipples. Not boobs. Hate chicken. Tired As shit. And have to pee also constipation and lots of discharge. Couldn’t really tell if it was a period or pregnancy symptoms 🤷🏼‍♀️

Soo in between all this time I’m testing MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY . finally I got a vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvfffffffffl and I posted it everyone said negative . 😔 ( third picture first response ) but I swear I saw it!

I’ve taken probably 50+ tests of all kinds and all negatives

Doctor appointment on Tuesday of last week they did an ultrasound , blood work and urine ... all negative and couldn’t see anything but thick lining on the uterus and that it was closed . They shoved me on my way like I was crazy ! No answer ,no period😩😩

Today at 35 days late! I got a BFP! I’m so excited to call my dr tomorrow! (1st

picture strip on wrapper)


LOVE AND BABY DUST TO ALL YOU LADIES ❤️❤️❤️ I’ll update you after I get back in to the DR! I’m