For those who think everthing is an indent or evap or just simply bc you was curious!

I hate when everyone calls everything an indent or evap. So i have been doing some research!
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This states that there are evaps, I'm not sure what you're pointing out....


Ashley • Jul 6, 2015
the fact it states evaps are not likely if the line appeared within the time limit of the test. people always say evap when it very well may not be. indents are clear. its the antibodie strip and you can see it too by just diping your test in water. some people have a hard time telling the difference. They also may give false hope or false disapointment by not knowing the difference.


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Can't read, too small. This could go the other way people posting negative pregnancy tests trying to feel better by asking people if they see anything. 


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Well thats what this group is for right? To post our faint lines to get others helpful eyes.