Still trying to understand

Brittni • Married 2 years 💕 - 🤰🏻 with our 👶🏻 - 2 fur babies 🐶🐱

I’m still trying to understand the charting. I got a positive opk on May 27th. Friday and Saturday my lower abdomen was a little sore when I would twist like I had pulled a muscle but on both sides not just one. I haven’t noticed it yet today. My breast have been feeling a little different as well. Friday they were a little sore (not sore to touch but just feeling uncomfortable), heavy and tingly. Saturday the same but as the day grew tingly became really sore. This morning it isn’t as bad but still heavy and a little sore but still not to touch. Could this be a good sign? The dip in the chart has me a little worried because my understanding was my temp shouldn’t drop. Really hoping this is our month.