41 weeks - induction today

Layla • Arab/American Hybrid

Thought I’d post my induction story as it is now live. I’ve been so anxious this past week waiting for baby to come on his own but he’s being stubborn already :)

Anyways, so my husband and I reached the hospital around 11:30 pm, got into my labor room, my mom and his mom both came along I guess for morale support.

The midwife assisted me by telling me to change into either the hospital gown, or something I had brought. I chose the gown. Had to pee in a cup as well.

So I got hooked up to the baby monitor and also the device that checks for contractions. She said they will check for like half an hour

So after the half hour, she explained that she will need to check my cervix, and id get the pill inserted to ripen it. So I’m 1 cm dilated currently, and waiting :)

Will update this post as I go along !

Update 1: baby’s heart rate went low a couple of times, nothing serious but I got put on some fluids for a while and get some rest.

Update 2: since I got the insert, I’ve been having some mild cramps in my abdomen. On and off. It’s almost like a period

Update 3: so I called the nurse because the pain was getting too much. She decided to remove the pill that was opening my cervix because baby’s heart rate would go down every now and then. She removed it, and when I got checked I was 5 cm dilated. Pain was coming even stronger. At this point it was every 3 minutes or so. I had to be moved to the delivery room.

Once in the room, the oxygen was available. Honestly this doesn’t help at alllllll it just made me want to sleep!!!

At the 6th contraction I just couldn’t take the pain anymore and told them I wanted an epidural. I didn’t want to feel the pain anymore. The pain is indescribable.

They had called the specialist for the epidural to come. I felt like it took forever !!!!! What annoyed me the most was he had this check list of questions to ask me which were the exact questions I had answered when they admitted me into the room hours prior. I was so annoyed I told him to please give me the epidural. I was almost hysterical. I couldn’t see from how much pain I was in.

The midwives assisted the way i was sitting to prep me for the epidural. I was willing to do it all. He told me that I needed to sit very still for a while. I had 3 contractions while he was putting the needle in my back and I forced myself not to MOVE AN INCH.

I did feel the needle but it was nothing compared to the contractions which were excruciating.

As soon as he was done, I could still feel the contractions but they grew gradually less and less. I could feel pressure down there I guess because of the baby’s head.

Once the epidural somehow got my lower extremities somewhat numb, the midwife thought to check on how far along I was. I was 10 cm ! They were just waiting on the doctor to come so I could have this baby. The midwife broke my water, and told me the fluid was green. This means the baby did his first poop. He needed to come out and fast.

So contractions started around 2:21 am, by 3:40 I had the epidural, and at 4:15 my baby boy was born. Although he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice, and the fluid was green. The doctor had to get him out quick. She had the vacuum, and she also cut me down there. It was pretty much done in like 5 minutes.

Baby was out, they placed him on my now flattened belly in all his gooey wonder. I was in shock. I wanted to cry. He was coughing up and crying. They took him away from me nearby, not sure what they were doing but my husband, Mom, and mother in law all had seen him before me!

The doctor was doing her thing stitching me up. Thank god for the epidural. I’m sure that would have hurt way more had I not had it. I did feel the needle but I didn’t feel any pain.