Birthday Gift


I need honest opinions and ideas.

My boyfriend’s birthday is on the eighth of July and I’m planning ahead of time for it. We’ve been dating for two months and I don’t have the funds to truly go big and beyond, but tell me if this sounds decent or corny. We’re both college students; he’ll be making twenty.

We both live in New Orleans, so I’m going to choose a park that we can sit at and have a picnic with his favorite finger foods. I’ll be making subways sandwiches, frying chicken wings or prepping a mini chef salad with either grilled or crispy chicken breast, and deviled eggs or meatballs. Then, I’ll add in his favorite snacks which are twizzlers, pineapples, strawberries, and homemade cheesecake cookies.

As a gift, I’ll be giving him a gift card to Raising Canes, along with a newspaper from his date of birth. I’ll have it framed though.

What do you guys think?