Low Supply, feeling not so great.

Marjorie • "Just staying on it I guess, long as she can."
Hi everyone! This is my little one, Franklin.
He'll be 3 weeks on July 10th. He's been a champ at latching on. He latched on right away before we even left the OR and headed to the recovery room! It seemed like our breastfeeding mission was off to a great start. Aside from him sleeping during feedings and me constantly trying to wake him. He was eating, I thought we were getting enough poopy/wet diapers, but he was still a few ounces shy of his birth weight at his 2 week appointment. Dr said to introduce the third breast. Feed him from each breast for 15-20 minutes and then offer a bottle of 2oz of either pumped BM or formula. I haven't used formula yet, but it's been really hard to keep up with his appetite. I try to pump after I feed him, the most I get out of both breasts combined is 2-3oz. And I'm not even able to pump after each feeding. I don't think I'm producing enough. It's been really hard on me emotionally. I was already having a hard time with the fact that I had to have a cesarean because I 
only dilated to 1cm after 20 hours of pitocin induced labor. I've tried drinking some beer, that doesn't seem to be having any effect, I'm going to pick up some fenugreek and try making some lactation cookies. Any other suggestions ladies? I really want this breast feeding to continue but I'm worried I'm not feeding him enough.