help me interpret my dream i had last night


this dream happened last night. so i was in this barn it was very old and rotting my boyfriend and i were staying there on the ground floor. it almost looked like a very very ols run down house that was gutted out but had a barn like feel to it and one of those old hanging lights made of metal. so it was mostly dark but the light worked. my boyfriend and i were sitting on the wooden floor and in front of me was a tank like a fish tank there was a lot of moist dirt in the bottom and off to the right hand side closest to me was a small little "pond" of water in the tank. inside the water was a baby frog at first it was a tadpole then it grew into a frog but it was invisible but my boyfriend and i knew it was there and i actually held it a couple times for a little while it felt slimy. i put it back and closed the top of the tank so i wouldnt let it out it was very calm and wanted me to hold it when i did. but when i put the lid back on my bf and i were talking and then i saw this huge fat dirty white rat with beady red eyes watching me from afar. i tried to get it to go away but it would not it walked slowly to me and climbed onto my back and then climbed off and was watching me again. then a white mouse with beady red eyes came darting at me and climbed up my back and was trying to play with me. i tried to get the rat and mouse to go away so i could tend to the frog but they would not leave me. i have some ideas of what this dream means but i want to hear others thoughts?