I'm so tired of my bf's laziness 😕

I just need to vent, no judgment.

I'm 33 weeks pregnant and I have a hard time doing everything. I'm at the point where I need a little extra help with the house and by rebellious 2 year old and it seems like every time I ask my bf for help, he gives me an attitude. I'm getting increasingly tired of it. It is to the point that I don't even ask him to put our son to bed anymore. Then when I sit down with him to talk about this and his excuse is he works. Yes, you work 6-8hrs a day, but you come home and get to relax, meanwhile after 6-8hrs of caring for your child, you come home and I'm still caring for him (when he's caring for our son for more than an hr, he's in a terrible mood), plus cleaning the house, doing laundry, grocery shopping, and cooking. Then I put our son to sleep and I'm doing homework until 2 or 3 am. I start this all over again at 8:30 am. He feels he should not have to help me with any if this. He comes home and sits in front if the t.v. while our kitchen is a mess and I'm limping around trying to get things done. it has gotten so bad that i have had to start drinking redbull to find the energy for all this. normally id be okay, but i am so far in this pregnancy that i feel like i can barely function.