Husband slipped up


In our house we have an L shaped room as our living room and we dont use the bottom of the L, except to put an office desk in it. So we refer to it as the office area. We have talked about maybe putting a crib there someday. Since we live in an old farm house there is no heat or air ducts that go to the other 3 bedrooms upstairs. But its never been officially decided since its open to the rest of the house and has no door we could close to keep noise out, etc. My husband and I have been married a year and have decided we could start trying in a month or two now that I graduated with my RN last month.

Well, I was cutting up veggies in the kitchen and he was standing looking at the office area from our dinning room. He turned to me and said he wanted to do something with it to update it. But lets be honest I only heard him refer to it as "THE NURSERY."

I dropped the knife and walked over to face him and asked "What did I hear you say?" and he had the biggest grin on his face and said "I guess I called it the nursery"

My heart literally melted. Maybe how much I have been talking about ttc and pregnancy has been rubbing off on him. This makes me so excited to start trying! I can't wait to be able to surprise him when we are pregnant and see his reaction then!

Even if you think you are the crazy one who talks about and thinks about being pregnant all the time, just know your significant other probably has it on their mind too even if they don't say anything!

Good luck to all the ladies out there trying to conceive this summer!! We got this!