Serious question...

Kate • Ttc 40 months <3 happily married 3 years together 7

We are starting round two this upcoming weekend.

I need provera to start my cycles and sadly have to wait till pay day to get it stupid insurance lol. Anyways I'll be on the provera until the 21st of the month.

Prior months on provera my AF would last 8 days. So that puts me ending around the 27th of next month give or take a day.

The main reason I'm asking all this is our annual weekend with our college friends happens the weekend of the 31st. Their leave their kids (we are presently ttc for #1) and it's just a carefree weekend.

I've been alcohol free since end of Jan (minus one bachelorette weekend in march) and I would actually like to have some carefree fun if I could. I've been tracking calories not drinking caffeine, essentially trying to eliminate everything bad.

I would be around cycle day 12 at that point. We won't have time to BD except maybe once until everyone leaves the camping weekend cause it's at our place this year.

If it would jeopardize things obviously I wouldn't do anything but I was curious what anyone else thought. I didn't ovulate last month so I don't really have anything to go off of (I had a positive opk on cycle day 13 but based off my temps my drs said I didn't ovulate then because my temps were all really high until cd 25) any thoughts on if it would be ok to be a little carefree that weekend?