My baby is deaf

My sweet baby failed his hearing screenings, and so we had to take him to diagnostics for more advanced testing to see why. We were positive the whole time. We even saw, my husband, my family and I, that our son seemed to respond to noise. But it was only a few times. And so with that we took it that everything was okay. There we were sitting and holding our baby..and the lady doing his tests told us that he has profound hearing loss. My world shattered. Yesterday was when she told us. She said he could he evaluated for cochlear implants. So he could function in the deaf world or the hearing world. We've decided that we want to do the cochlear implants but also learn the sign language. He will be able to talk with the cochlear implants, but it could be delayed. As heartbreaking as it was to hear that he's deaf, I know its something I have to accept. My baby boy is a blessing, and we love him with all our hearts. Are their any other mommies whose baby also has hearing loss? Maybe we could start a group or something