Nothing to prove

Mannie🌻 • 24.New Yorker.Mainer.Wife.Momma.Step Momma.Photographer🌲✌🏻🌻

Dear moms that did it your way,

You have nothing to prove to anyone when it comes to how you feed your baby. You have no need to explain yourself to anyone. I am currently the momma of a four week old. I exclusively pump and that’s ok. I know many people that exclusively breast feed and that’s ok. I know people that exclusively formula feed and that’s ok. Heck I know mommas that mix it up between all of them and that ok. Why is there so much judgment for those that choose to do things differently? Yes choosing to not nurse was tough. Not only did I feel judged by some family members but by other moms in my life. But why? Baby is gaining and happy. I’m happy which hello?! Aren’t we all trying to stay out of the hole that is postpartum depression? Why are my choices so impactful on you? They aren’t. And they are mine. And yours are yours. That’s part of living your own life. So to mommas that nurse, to mommas that pump and to mommas that formula you are all amazing. You all do more than anyone could imagine. Don’t let anyone make you feel like you did something wrong. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty, not even yourself❤️