Er trip UPDATE!


So after being in pain for 5 days in my lower abdomen and pelvic I decided to call and schedule a doctors appointment. However because it is abdomen pain I need to a triage nurse to clear me (say i am okay to wait). They didn't and told me to go to the er. It turns out I have a 6 by 5 by 5 cyst on my right overy. My overy measured 7 by 5 by 5 so it's basicly the size of my overy and now I get to go to my obgyn and see if they want to surgery remove it or wait to see if it shinks (while hoping it doesn't twist my overy) Apparently a normal size cyst is 1 or 2 centimeters. I have had a problem with cysts. A few times a year they get about 3 and then rupture on their own. This is the biggest I have had and I have never been t risk of overian torsion (when they twist and kill their overy).. Wish me luck ladies.

UPDATE. My primary said unless it gets to 10cm they wont remove it but just monitor it unless it starts to twist or I start bleeding.