Not so patiently waiting


I miscarried in late February and I'm just now starting to try again and I am feeling good about this month.This last cycle I ovulated late which is completely out of the normal for me. my periods are always right on the dot each month. If I am pregnant from this cycle my due date will be around my birthday or my grandpa's birthday (my whole last pregnancy and any other time after I have always prayed to my grandpa. I just find it crazy that the one month I ovulate late is when my due date would be his birthday. I'm currently 8dpo and I'm itching to get that positive. I took a test today just for the hell of it, knowing it was really early but I wanted to anyways and I regretted it instantly because it was negative. I'm not losing hope because it is early yet. Fingers crossed I get my rainbow baby.💕🌈